Science now confirms the chocolate is healthy. Medical doctors prove that healthy chocolate through clinical trials and research. The word spread; From the radio, to television, to the Internet, the doctor now confirms that chocolate has many health benefits both physically and emotionally. So how do we know which chocolate is really healthy and good for us? Here are some healthy chocolate tips to help you find the right chocolate for you.
More and more people are currently drawn to eat chocolate for health benefits. With nine out of ten people who like chocolate and one of the two of them ate it every day, this is indeed good news. What do we want to look for in healthy chocolate? First of all, the more cocoa powder is not processed with chocolate, the more flavanoids (plant-based antioxidants) are present.
The best is looking for chocolate with at least 70% of cacao that has not been processed. Second, it must be raw food chocolate. When the chocolate is heated above a hundred degrees Fahrenheit the majority of nutritional nature in antioxidants is destroyed, leaving it without valuable nutrition sought from the start. Try to find chocolate that has low glycemic sweeteners, such as raw sugar cane, which is contrary to refined sugar. Low glycemic chocolate is friendly diabetes and don’t let you feel “fall”, because of a surge in high blood sugar associated with enhanced sugar.
Not all chocolates are created equal. Other important points to consider when choosing healthy chocolate is Orac rating. Orac is an abbreviation of the absorbance capacity of oxygen radicals, which is a measurement of antioxidant capabilities to eradicate disease-causing agents (free radicals). Some chocolate producers have Orac rating on their products, guaranteeing the effectiveness of antioxidants. A company called Brunswick Labs tested antioxidants on various foods, including chocolate, gave them certified scores. The higher the Orac score, the more antioxidants contain food, making it healthier for the body.
Not all black brown healthy for the body. Many people believe that if chocolate has a high black chocolate percentage so automatically high antioxidants. However, most of the Dutch brown (alkali, to modify the taste and color) and baked during processing. The Netherlands and heating destroys antioxidants and their capacity to eradicate free radicals. It is also common for black chocolate to be filled with processed sugar, caffeine, candles, and unhealthy fillers, all of which are well-known to contribute to adverse health effects.
Chocolate that is considered healthy has certain characteristics. Someone must consider where cocoa beans come from. Cocoa beans are harvested in conditions that are more coarse and harder and richer in polyphenols (antioxidants). It is also important to know what conditions grow and type of agriculture what beans are planted. The cocoa tree planted next to other fruit trees often produces lighter beans.
Personalized natural and controlled settings are the best in producing beans without using pesticides. Other points that need to be considered are fillers and fat. Healthy fat-rich brown like cocoa butter and omega fatty acids benefit the body. Avoid chocolate with milk fat or hydrogenated oil … evil fat. It is important to know that not all chocolates contain caffeine, although caffeine is often associated with chocolate, it is not a naturally occurring element. Caffeine is usually added to commercial chocolate.